This blog has a rather narrow purpose. It is intended, primarily, to be an easy way of updating interested people on "what I have been up to" as I spend this semester studying in London and traveling in Europe. While, it may occasionally contain brief reflections or insights on various topics, this is not the primary focus. The intended focus is on concrete things, not on ideas. Those wishing to read something about my thoughts, and less about my actions, might try my main blog,
Someone might ask, "What is meant by the title of your blog, 'Into the Green World'?" A really pretentious person might ask, "Given that the Green World is a literary device used by William Shakespeare to represent a place free from the constraints of society where true love can blossom, how does the title of your blog relate to its purported subject of an academic semester spent in the largest and most societous (if you like) population center in Europe?" The answer is that, I understand the Green World in the broadest sense as a movement away from the ordinary into the extraordinary, a place where the ordinary routine does not exist and no longer clouds our vision. The Green World is a place of leisure, if you like, which allows one to see ordinary in a new light and to find meaning. My hope is that spending a semester in Europe will give me new eyes with with to appreciate the everyday. For more about what I mean by the Green World, check out this post entitled Leisure, the Basis of Culture.
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