Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's London Edition

Returning to London on Christmas Eve, I elected to fight the crowds and to go downtown to watch the fireworks.  Since this was my first time ever in a big city for New Year's, I wanted to take advantage of the situation.  The crowds were crazy, and it was hard work just keeping the place we had settled on to stand and watch the fireworks.  Nevertheless, we had friendly neighbors and a good time.  The DJ kept the time going by fairly quickly, and the crowd was electric during the countdown and fireworks which were spectacular.  We also got to hear Big Ben strike midnight.  After the fireworks display, everyone joined hands and sang Auld Lang Syne.  Auld Lang Syne is actually something that Brits know how to do as a part of their culture.  Everyone knows what do do when it is sung.  As I recall we also sang this song at the Christmas dinner we had here, and everyone did this same thing of crossing arms and then joining hands.  It's a beautiful tradition that doesn't really carry over, as far as I know, into America.  Americans have the song, but that's about it.  I'm not sure if this video will work, but rather than upload my own, here is the BBC footage of the event.

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